We’ve reached our breaking point. Registered Nurses (RNs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are being hung out to dry.
Band-aid solutions and short-sighted initiatives won’t fix a broken system. Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners have been holding our province’s healthcare system together for too long. They have been showing up, exhausting themselves, saving lives and jumping over never-ending hurdles for years.
We all deserve to operate in a stable, effective, efficient, and safe healthcare system — RNs, NPs, and patients. It’s time to stabilize our workforce. It’s time to show RNs and NPs that they are valued and respected. It’s time to invest in strong, robust public healthcare.
Don’t hang us all out to dry.

Sound the Alarm.
Our province could lose 40% of some of our most highly skilled and educated nursing professionals if conditions don’t improve.

Canada’s Lowest Paid.
Our Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners deserve a fair and competitive salary. They are the lowest paid in the entire country.

Unsafe Working Conditions.
70% of our Registered Nurses have experienced violence in the workplace in the past month alone. This is simply unacceptable.

Health Care Can’t Wait.
Better patient care, including decreased wait times, begins with better working conditions. When Registered Nurses are hung out to dry, we’re all hung out to dry.